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Our Corporate Sponsorships are one of the greatest keys to our success. With a focus on truly meaningful and mutually beneficial partnerships, TLA offers our Partners the opportunity to build genuine customer relationships across our membership base. Your company will be able to use a myriad of strategies and communications channels to raise your profile in the Landscaping Industry whilst supporting the industry that supports you. Explore the benefits of a Corporate Sponsorship with TLA today.

TLA offers a range of Corporate Sponsorship packages to meet every budget. We have packages with a variety of benefits designed to help you connect closely with your customers. These packages are also flexible; TLA is more than happy to discuss the marketing objectives of your business and help to create a customised approach to achieving your aims. A Corporate Sponsorship with TLA is just that, a solid, mutually beneficial partnership.

Download our Sponsorship Prospectus


Benefits of Corporate Sponsorship

TLA works tirelessly to ensure that our partnerships meet the needs of each partner individually. Depending on your chosen package, some of the key benefits you could access include:

General Corporate Sponsorship Benefits

  • Alignment with the TLA brand and our Members’ outstanding reputation for quality craftsmanship, professionalism and ethical business practices
  • Use of the TLA Corporate Sponsorship badge on your marketing materials and on your website homepage
  • Complimentary Membership
  • Listing in the online Members Directory
  • Complimentary tickets to the annual TLA Excellence Awards event – the industry’s night of nights!

Market Feedback and Direct Marketing Access

  • Targeted surveys of Members
  • Distribution of your EDMs to the TLA database
  • Contribution of your promotional material for TLA New Members Packs

Heightened Presence in the Market

  • Acting as Host for General Meetings of Members
  • Recognition (your logo) on all TLA communications, signage, online presence and social media
  • On-stage presence at the TLA Excellence Awards
  • Opportunity to display your corporate video at the TLA Excellence Awards
  • Opportunities to submit your images for social media posts
  • Providing a prize for winning TAFE students
  • Contribution of an article in the TLA Annual Report
  • Logo featured on the media board at the TLA Excellence Awards, as well as on all associated promotional material

Additional Promotional Opportunities and Sales

  • Contribution of exclusive TLA Member Rewards offers
  • Advertisements for inclusion in the TLA electronic newsletters
  • First-rights opportunities to take up additional sponsorship opportunities


There are many more opportunities to leverage your Corporate Sponsorship with TLA. Talk to us today about how we can work with you to meet your specific objectives.


Meet Our Corporate Sponsors


Would you like to learn more about the Corporate Sponsorship Packages available? You can contact our CEO, Jodie Dean on (02) 9630 4844 to arrange a meeting or simply complete the form below and we will be in touch shortly.

Become a Corporate Sponsor

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I agree to the TLA Privacy Policy and allow for the use of the information I provide in accordance with the policy.

Find Out More About TLA

Would you like to know more about TLA’s business practices? Are you thinking of partnering your business with TLA? Learn more by clicking the links below.


The Landscape Association has specific objectives regarding the service of Members and caring for the health and direction of the industry as a whole, now and into the future.

Learn more

TLA Policies and Constitution

TLA ensures professional and ethical behaviour through its Constitution, Code of Fair Business Practice, Code of Ethics, Privacy and Copyright policies, as well as its Environmental policy.

Learn more

Meet our People

TLA has a wealth of knowledge and experience provided by its Board of Directors and the TLA Team. Meet the TLA Board who are elected and provide their services to the Association free of charge for the good of their colleagues, the industry and the Association. Also meet the team behind the scenes who work tirelessly to support our Members.

Meet our People

Become a Member

Would you like to become a TLA Member? Why not join today and start reaping the rewards that membership can bring to your business operations and bottom line!

Become a Member


TLA Annual Sponsors

Terms and Condition

These Terms and Conditions must be read in conjunction with TLA’s Privacy and Copyright Policy Statements.

Descriptions of contracts contained on this website are a guide only and do not outline a specific fitness for purpose. The Landscape Association gives no representation or warranty about suitability of a particular contract for a specific function.

The Landscape Association does not accept responsibility for loss or damage suffered by any person or body relying directly or indirectly on any information contained within the pro forma contracts or the LNA Master Landscapers Rates Guide Schedule of Rates for Landscape Works. All contracts and Guides are purchased at the risk of those making the purchase.

TLA does not have access to the customer’s credit card number which is encrypted for security purposes. The credit card will be debited at the time of processing the payment. A tax invoice/receipt will be automatically generated and emailed to the customer.

Orders are ordinarily dispatched by Australia Post, Express Post, within seven working days. Five days should be allowed for delivery. This timeframe is indicative only. Every reasonable effort will be made to notify the customer if a delay is expected.

Provided an order has not been dispatched, it may be cancelled in full or part by calling The Landscape Association on (02) 9630 4844. Returns are not accepted by The Landscape Association unless the customer has received an unordered or faulty item, or unless otherwise required under Australian legislation.

The Landscape Association reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time.

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