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The number of people applying for roles is declining, making it harder for businesses to hire top talent. Traditional online advertisements no longer work – you need to market your business to attract applications and quality staff and likely spend more on marketing.  

Katrina Stephenson, Director of Crosscheck Australasia explains her top tips when searching for new staff: 

  1. Move fast when it comes to recruitment; people, especially good ones, are in demand 
  2. Keep in very regular contact – even once you’ve sent out an offer to the candidate or contracts have been signed, it’s important to keep on their radar 
  3. If someone starts ‘ghosting you’ and not answering calls, move on, sadly this is becoming common behaviour 
  4. Look beyond your previous audience when trying to fill roles. Look for core, transferable skills and trainability of potential candidates in both men and women  
  5. Sell and deliver training and development opportunities – people want to know what advancement opportunities will be available to them 
  6. When looking at apprentices, reach out and get the parents and family engaged to help on-board and support them, outline your expectations early 
  7. Be cautious of the rates being asked by perspective employees, this is often not matched by quality of workers 
  8. Consider using recruitment support to help you find good people out there or use word of mouth.  Some people say their best recent recruits have come from referrals, showing your business has a positive culture and motivated team 


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